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How You Can Help!

Make a Charitable Contribution to IRWA in Any Amount 

Write a Letter of Support to present to Idaho's Congressional Delegates. These letters act as visual evidence of the effectiveness of our programs and are written by YOU! To download a template click here.

More Ways to Support Idaho Rural Water Association

You can show your support for Idaho Rural Water Association simply by displaying the above logo on your website. Contact the IRWA office at (208) 343-7001 or to request a Proud Supporter of the Idaho Rural Water Association logo for your website. 
Thank you for all you do to protect Idaho’s drinking water and wastewater systems!

Supporting IRWA when you shop on Amazon is simple! When you go to shop on Amazon, make your first stop and log in with you regular Amazon username and password. Search for Idaho Rural Water Association and select it as your organization of choice. From then on, make sure that you always start your shopping at, so a percentage of what you spend will be shared with IRWA. If you’re an Amazon Prime member, your Prime benefits will still work on AmazonSmile, and all the prices are the same. At no extra cost to you, IRWA can benefit from your next shopping spree!

Next time you go grocery shopping, you could be contributing to the Idaho Rural Water Association! All you have to do is go to and select Idaho Rural Water Association (#82606) as the organization you would like to link your rewards card to. Then, every time you use your Fred Meyer Rewards Card, a donation will be made by Fred Meyer to IRWA! You still earn your rewards points, fuel points, and rebates just as you do now, but IRWA will see a benefit as well.